Tuesday, December 04, 2007

It's been a long time

I haven't posted in a while - I've been kind of busy at work but it looks like things are getting back under control. I lost a little self-confidence for a while there too, but I feel like I'm getting that back too. I think my problems all come when I compare myself to other people, try to gauge my happiness or feelings of success in comparison to other people. Really, that's just silly. I mean I know how to be considerate or empathetic, but when I say "I'm not as good as he is," or "He's got more X than me," it just ignores or negates the happiness or pride I have within myself. I just have to keep reminding myself not to write my life story for someone else, but to compose it for my own pleasure and accomplishment. Living any other way, for me, is just trying to write a good obituary for yourself while you're still alive.