Monday, January 28, 2008

To disagree is not to "disconnect"

Ingrid Burnett, vice president of the Kansas City School Board, defines the term “ad homonym” with her comment in The Kansas City Star Saturday.
“It’s appalling how much of a disconnect there is between the public and the school district,” according to Burnett.
The issue, as Burnett well knows, is that members of the public disagree with her and her fellow board members' decision to oust Superintendent Amato. Trying to attack the patrons of the district instead of owning up to dissent around the board's hasty decision is a pathetic attempt to run from responsibility.
Burnett's service on the board is laudable, but her tenure will be associated with anger at the decision to force out an agent for urgent change just when the district needed it. That is not a "disconnect" between the patrons of the district and the board. That is a public trying to convince the board that it is moving in the wrong direction.

1 comment:

k said...

so true! you always are able to write what i feel but can't express on paper (or computer).