Wednesday, January 02, 2008

My vacation beard

There's this funny article in The New Yorker about the beards strking-, and strike-sidelined creatives in New York are sporting while they are out of work.
I never realized there were so many ways to bring a beard to mind, but the descriptions included:

  • the "Dan Haggerty"
  • "Thesis beard"
  • the "Al Gore"
  • the "Ted Kaczynski"
  • Johnny Damon's superstition beard,
  • that beard hockey players grow "mid-playoff"
  • the "Gorton's fisherman"
  • the "Bjorn Borg"
  • the "Charlie Daniels"
  • and a guy who chops his own wood.

I think my vacation beard was pretty darn scraggly, but I'm not sure it was full enough to be a honest-to-goodness "Bjorn," but I feel like the description is right there on the tip of my tongue. I think when I look at a picture of myself later tonight it will come to me.
Postscript: I'm afraid the beard mine most resembled was Vincent Gallo's. I'm trying again though - beard by Valentine's Day!

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