Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A great memory made

Last night Lili and I watched Steamboat Bill, Jr., a Buster Keaton silent my dad introduced me to when I was little. When I told her that it was made before people knew how to make movies talk, she wondered how that could be. So I told her to show me what it would look like if she wanted to show "happy" without talking. She did a perfect smile. I told her to show me "lost" and she popped her eyes so wide, which I thought was really perceptive of her. We did a lot of other emotions and it was so fun to watch her work it out.
Then we watched the movie (it was supposed to be her 10 minutes before bed thing, but of course we watched the whole show) and she just laughed so genuinely and hard that it made me happy just to be with her.

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