Monday, September 08, 2008

McCain doomed by Veep Choice

I can't believe that anyone who wasn't to the right of McCain would actually be swayed by his choice for VP. In fact, I think Sarah Palin makes him unelectable.
If one takes McCain at his word, and decides that his choice of Palin is one that fits in with his own ideology, then he is building a coalition that alienates, not encourages, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuit Democrats. George Carlin once described golf by saying that it wasn't so much the game itself but the "vacuous, striving, superficial, male-bonding joiners one has to associate with" that made it repulsive. I feel the same way about a possible McCain presidency. Even if he is some sort of hidden "maverick" (one who seemed long ago content to wait until he was president to turn from tut-tutting at his own party to actually doing something about its ills), his choice of Palin proves he will not only surround himself with the same bankrupt ideas that made last weekend's buyout of Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae a necessity, but that now he'll take council from James Dobson as well.
As reprehensible as this thought is to Democrats, it will eventually turn off the right wing of his own party. Soon those voters energized by Palin must realize this is just a political flip-flop. For if he will turn his back on his own stated ideals just to get the presidency, how can he be trusted to continue embracing his newborn right wing agenda once he's gotten the job?

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