Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend of stuff

So this weekend Karen and Lili spent a lot of time together with her folks, and though I missed them I did get to do the "by myself" stuff that I wouldn't normally get done. For one thing, I finally took care of painting the basement. The former owner of our house let his kid (I'm guessing it was a kid) paint the walls down there, and there's been these "artistic" images on the walls for the three or four years we've lived here.
I had really wanted to turn the downstairs into a space for me, especially because Karen's not interested in it and because there are already studs the previous owner put in place but never dry-walled. But we've had some trouble with water backing up down there, and when Lili was born we put the keepsakes she'd outgrown down there, so it ate into the space I was squaring off and I sort of gave up on the idea.
But for some reason this weekend, it seemed possible again. We're going to have to fix that drain because it backs up constantly now, so without that problem there might be room to keep Lili's things outside the room.
Anyway, it felt good to just do something toward this little dream again.

1 comment:

k said...

6 1/2 years babe. 6 1/2 years.